Like #russia, the #US is no longer safe for tourists. In just the last two weeks, US authorities have detained two individuals: #Welsh citizen Becky Burke and Fabian Schmidt, a #German national who has been a US permanent resident since 2008.
Burke was held in a "#prison-like" #ICE processing center, while Schmidt was "violently interrogated."
Burke stated, "They keep saying in all their booklets that this is not a prison. It's hard to distinguish from my conception of a prison."
Schmidt was subjected to hours of intense questioning without being informed of the reason. His mother told Newsweek that two officers "violently interrogated" him, stripped him naked, forced him under a cold shower, and pressured him to give up his #greencard.
According to the report, Schmidt was deprived of sleep, food, water, and his prescribed medication for anxiety and depression. Eventually, he collapsed and was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital, where he was diagnosed with the flu.