Barking mad.
TSA Says Its Credit Cards for Bomb-Sniffing Dogs Are Cut Off
#politics #Dogs
@WarnerCrocker Meet the TSA: The oppression, now without the promised protections.
@WarnerCrocker If I were to guess a sinister motive behind this, they are hoping for an attack that they can use to declare an emergency and seize more power, just like Hitler and the Nazi set Reichstag fire.
@MatthewChat @WarnerCrocker I suppose that’s possible, but I think it’s more the hubris of Stockton Rush: we can cut corners on safety regulations because this thing is already so safe!
Narrator: The regulations are what keep it safe.
@WarnerCrocker I’m sure Elon has a robot bomb sniffing dog he’s just lied to Trump about having created to replace them.
@WarnerCrocker I'm sure this is bad, but intuitively I just don't think that a dog has the financial responsibility to have a credit card. They should just stick to cash so they only spend what they earn.
@WarnerCrocker who approved the dogs having credit cards in the first place?
@su_liam @vmstan @WarnerCrocker incorrect. Joe Mama is the correct answer.
What could go wrong?!?
@WarnerCrocker Security Theater closed!
@WarnerCrocker wait, does this mean they're not paying for the dogs, or does this mean that the agency issued dogs credit cards like on the simpsons