Today on AppAddict - SiteSucker for Mac - Affordable and Powerful - Today I downloaded and tested an app that's been on my radar for a while, SiteSucker for Mac by developer Rick Cranisky.. You can give this app a top level URL, specify how many layers deep you want to go and it will download an entire web site, complete with... - - #Mac #macOS #Apple #AppAddict
@amerpie Users be like “add a feature to suck other things as well. Shouldn’t be hard, right?”
Jokes aside, thank you for another great review, I always enjoy reading them
@davidbures You ought to be able to get a reference to sucking in RizzReference!
@amerpie Comes to the right time, very helpful, thank you!
@amerpie we’ve used this tool to snag a “usable” copy of a site while we migrate a client from another provider. It has literally pulled down sites from more “proprietary” platforms so we can continue hosting while we design a new instance for the customer. It’s an amazing tool!