Today on AppAddict - Fmail2 for Fastmail - After using Gmail for twenty years, I recently decided to move to a more privacy focused provider I could use with my own domain. I've finally reached the tipping point with surrendering my data to big tech in exchange for free services.
I chose Fastmail as my new provider. Fastmail... - - #Mac #macOS #Apple #AppAddict
@amerpie I used fastmail for 2 years and found it good. I just wanted to go one step further so went with Proton Mail. Very happy with it too.
@amerpie How do you feel about FM's privacy stance?
I just went through a whole 'getting away from GMail' process and could not get a simple-straight answer about FastMail's privacy controls or encryption at rest. I REALLY wanted to switch to them too, but found this to be a sticking point for me.
I don't need Proton level of security, but I'd prefer my emails to be encrypted at rest at least like many others provide.