Thursday is MH fightback day
Today’s goal: somehow improve my brain chemistry. I’ve been in a spiral for the past couple of days.
Things that may help: finding a new #crochet project, solving the fairly gnarly #react issue I stepped away from at work on Monday, and some #singing.
And later I’m going to be in someone wonderful’s arms, and let’s see #depression get past _that_.
Oy, though.
Thursday is MH fightback day
I have to keep reminding myself that it’s ok not to be ok. We are in a bad place. <gestures wildly at world>. And if what ‘not ok’ looks like is lying in bed paralysed with fear and sadness then fighting that by pushing and punishing myself is not going to work; just adds to the list of things that are wrong.
Thursday is MH fightback day
What works is finding one thing that brings joy and colour back into the world and living into that. And patiently recreating that moment as many times as is needed until I can function again. That’s the work.
Thursday is MH fightback day
And yes, this is me giving myself a pep talk by posting into the void. #writing helps too.
Ok, I’m gonna go do the thing.
Thursday is MH fightback day / somewhat lewd
Update: all those little #MentalHealth support activities helped, but none more so than being enthusiastically railed by my hot butch GF. Highly recommend.