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jump to repliesI know there’s probably nobody on fedi that wants to see a miniature of a barbarian muscle mommy, but I’ll post it anyway.
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back to top@bridget This is the fedi, sure there are...
She can smash. 🧐
@bridget i smash boost.
Moms are cool.
Barbarians are cool.
Therefore, barbarian muscle mommy is cool.
@bridget On the contrary, there is at least one somebody. Good work!
@bridget au contraire, I think she is epic!
You know, it was like only 46 seconds ago I was thinking we don't see enough barbarian muscle mummy's enough
Thank you
Hugz & xXx
@bridget that's awesome!
@bridget I keep seeing this and trying to reboost it lol
@bridget she looks great! You did an awesome job!
@bridget Bait used to be believable
@bridget I did not know I needed to see her, but now I'm all here for that!
@bridget she is awesome!
@bridget ... And now, with more meme.
@bridget well tagging @VulpineDruid @therivercrow @cthulhudeadite BC probs lol. well, that's where you're wrong:
@bridget destroy me mommy