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didn't quite get there today, but it turns out the Windows version that can be bullied into working on a built-this-year gaming PC is the same version as the last PowerPC and Intel Mac OS X versions.

also turns out that you can't buy UT2004 anywhere in 2024. delisted on Steam, delisted on GOG, presumably it was on the Epic Store at one point but it sure ain't there any more. the other Unreal games seem to have met the same fate. wtf? good thing i still have my install discs and CD key…

(you can still find it ofc but that's not the point)

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i don't know why i was expecting this to have some sort of exotic hard drive. at least a laptop form factor. that is just a regular-ass 3.5" desktop SATA guy that holds your bits. i wonder if Mac OS X had TRIM support this far back.

AirPort Extreme card installed. i'd have installed the BT card along with it but apparently i need to find an antenna part and some screws first. i wonder if i have any RAM for that second slot…

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okay i don't get the hype for Sorbet Leopard. it's just some guy's random changes to a 10.5.8 install. like he turned off IPv6 and Spotlight and added some themes and copied some system utilities from 10.6. with that much fuss i figured someone had built a new Darwin kernel or at least some drivers from Apple source releases… i mean i used to "optimize" my childhood IIci by deleting random shit too, but i was like 12 and had very little idea what i was doing.

the phrase "Replaced original network performance optimizations with revised configuration, increasing network throughput and reducing kernel resource usage even further" in conjunction with "Renamed 'System-wide Ad Blocking' to 'Universal Ad Blocking'" has me mildly concerned like did you just fuck with the hosts file or am i gonna find out that my ethernet driver is now somehow flammable

otoh it's probably a huge pain in the ass to update whatever version of 10.5 i have to 10.5.8…

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fun fact: Power Mac support for booting from USB is very spotty, and the newer ones aren't necessarily better at it

another fun fact: it's been so long since i've tried to use an optical drive for anything that i'm not 100% sure i still have one, let alone dual-layer DVD-R media

hoping booting from FW is still as well supported as it ever was, but i won't be testing that for a few days

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Raj Patel :flag_tino: ,
(open profile)

@vyr Good luck. Worse still is classic MacOS needing a special boot-sector thingy and it feels like a catch-22 situation of needing a classic Mac to create a bootable CD in the first-place. Good luck!
(wanted to dual-boot a lampshade G4 and replace the HDD with an SSD took me on quite a journey searching for a viable OS9 CD set)

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Raj Patel :flag_tino: ,
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@vyr Ah, fantastic! It felt like I'd lost all my Mac-chops from 25 years ago when trying to resurrect an old Mac (I used to use Toast to create a bootable install CD for our Uni campus Mac supplier which contained a bunch of useful utilities & licensed s/w for staff using VISE Installer). Great to see a revival of new techniques to keep the old stuff running.

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David Chisnall (*Now with 50% more sarcasm!*) ,
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@vyr I never tried booting from USB, but booting from FireWire was very reliable. The XServes of that era used the same firmware and I remember instructions floating around for creating a bootable partition on an iPod that would dump diagnostic data and then reinstall, so you just paused your music, plugged the iPod into the crashed XServe in the datacenter and rebooted it.

I never booted from an iPod, but external FW disks and other Macs in target mode (hold command-T at boot time) worked great.

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David Chisnall (*Now with 50% more sarcasm!*) ,
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@vyr Apparently the old iPod Microdrives used a connector that was pin-compatible with CompactFlash. There used to be instructions for replacing the drive with a CompactFlash card, which significantly improved battery life. I gave mine away to someone who was going to do that surgery because I had been meaning to for over a year and never quite got around to it.

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@rmi UT99 is apparently legitimately available on (or at least "we're not going to sue you this time" available) and someone uploaded all of the GOG installers for the whole Unreal/UT series here

if you need PowerPC or Intel Mac binaries they're on Macintosh Garden

i'm not sure what the dedicated server situation is. there's but i haven't tried it yet and don't know if it'll activate with a retail CD key. some GOG forum thread mentioned that the GOG key tends to get blocked anyway, which raises the question of what's doing the blocking and what happened to it when the Epic servers went away a few years ago

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John Cortexiphan ,
(open profile)

@rmi @vyr

That G5 had a happy life in the data centre running webobjects apps.

One of the webobjects apps that i used to run on it.. may or may not still be running in a sad lonely linux vm…

I may need to turn it off, since i can't find the people who used to pay the bill..

Dear god WebObjects was fucking magical and fast compared to what ever we call it these days...

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H. Wren D'Arcy ,
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@vyr when I ordered my going-away-to-college computer the summer after high school, I had the choice of a DVD reader or a CD burner. I absolutely thought I was making the right choice by getting the family's first device that could play DVDs. Catching up with the future, right? Little did I know that I'd want to spend the next 6-8 years constantly burning CDs for music to listen to on various discmen before I eventually could afford a mp3 player, or burning ISOs for pirating games. Buying Riven on a single DVD instead of seven CDs or whatever was no comfort whatsoever.

...I miss UT2k3 and 2k4. UT99 was my favorite, but I liked the follow-ups as well. I should hunt down my own discs.

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