There seems to be some mistake.
I've checked over all of these, and I can't seem to find anything covering 'The US sides with Russia against the rest of the Free World'.
Is that in some optional rules section?
There seems to be some mistake.
I've checked over all of these, and I can't seem to find anything covering 'The US sides with Russia against the rest of the Free World'.
Is that in some optional rules section?
Hobby Streak day 1195 but now for real:
My Proxxon Thermocut arrived and I used it with great enthusiasm and reckless abandon. Prepped some #Terrain structures for #TrenchCrusade. Got some bricks for #Mordheim in a zen exercise, too!
Also played a game of #BloodBowl Sevens against my buddy Chris, who brought splendid Ogre models. Much fun was had with dice!
J'ai eu quelques nouveaux inscrits et mon #introduction a sauté parce que je l'avais pas épinglée, je la refais vite fait !
Hello ! Je suis là depuis deux ans. Je suis communiste libertaire, quoi qu'en ce moment je ne sois au sein d'aucune orga. J'habite la banlieue de #grenoble .
Je lis beaucoup de #SFFF, je suis en train de commettre un roman de fantasy, je suis un gros joueur de jeu de plateau, de #wargame historique, de #jdr ! je fais partie du bureau d'une asso de jeu : (rejoignez nous !)
j'ai 39 ans, je suis #graphiste, j'adore râler sur la politique, je disparais de temps en temps quand les réseaux deviennent trop anxiogenes, j'ai des périodes aléatoires d'activité et mon compte n'a aucune cohérence éditoriale.
This trash bashed boat model is looking pretty damn cute after the primer coat. So excited to paint this thing.
This is for the table top war game Scabz. You get a sardine tin or two and then use that as the base for a trash/scratch built model of a boat in whatever style you like. Quite like how my first stab at this is coming along.
Hello everyone! I’m Logan, and I paint minis and occasionally other things. Looking to improve and get inspired by all the other talented hobbyists out there!
#warhammer #hobby #wargame #wargames #Miniturepainting #warhammer40k #minipainting #3dprinting #nerdlings #paintingminis #paintingminiatures #warmongers #miniatures @warhammercommunity
Hello everyone! I’m Logan, and I paint minis and occasionally other things. Looking to improve and get inspired by all the other talented hobbyists out there!
#warhammer #hobby #wargame #wargames #Miniturepainting #warhammer40k #minipainting #3dprinting
* Running a 14 year AD&D campaign w/multiple groups playing at same time
* Ral Partha's Chaos Wars miniatures wargame
* OD&D/Chainmail
I've been here a long while but with today's influx of new people, here's a quick #introduction.
I'm an internet old with a 30+ year career in #IT. I've done it all from system administration to consulting to software development, and years of IT leadership. These days I run an IT consulting company.
I'm interested in #history, #SF, #wargame, #gaming, #technology, #brightgreen, #augmentedreality, and lots more.