via @rewildingmag
Is this the year you get rid of some or all of your lawn? Here are 5 methods to consider >>
#nolawns #rewilding #urbanrewilding #ecology #nature #gardening #SolarPunkSunday #GardeningForPollinators
FWIW, a number of permaculture folks would discourage "cut the grass as short as possible" before sheet mulching. Cutting grass spurs it's growth.
Some say it's best to let the lawn grow as tall as possible before going to seed. then use something like a cardboard tube roller to lay it flat. then add the cardboard sheets and mulch.
This has the additional benefit of biomass under the cardboard to feed nitrogen back into the soil as the grass decomposed to balance out the significant carbon being added as the cardboard and mulch decompose
@DoomsdaysCW @rewildingmag What is a lawn?
Lots of people in California got rid of their lawns during the various droughts; a number of municipal water companies actually encourage low-water use landscaping.