TAM alert! Someone needs to buy this, get it working, and connect it to #GlobalTalk before #MARCHintosh ends! #VintageApple #VintageMac #RetroMac #RetroComputing https://shopgoodwill.com/item/225304640

TAM alert! Someone needs to buy this, get it working, and connect it to #GlobalTalk before #MARCHintosh ends! #VintageApple #VintageMac #RetroMac #RetroComputing https://shopgoodwill.com/item/225304640
Audio on the hardware we're emulating is pretty straightforward: every scanline of the video generator also outputs one byte of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) data. We have 370 horizontal lines—352 visible and 18 during the vsync—at a 60.15 Hz refresh rate, producing approximately 22.255 kHz audio.
Ok, I take that back. It has some weird boot issues. With certain disk images (using BlueSCSI 1), it only boots if extensions are disabled, otherwise, it gets stuck while loading the desktop. The internal disk only works when the BlueSCSI is connected but still gets stuck at the desktop. Sometimes, the system reboots multiple times when using the internal disk. I need to read up on common issues with this machine.
If you are participating in #marchintosh and #globaltalk and like text adventure games, the demo release of Adventure! my mostly text #hypercard adventure game is available for download from my Eric’s Edge zone. Including a PDF draft of the game manual.
If you are participating in #marchintosh and #globaltalk and like text adventure games, the demo release of Adventure! my mostly text #hypercard adventure game is available for download from my Eric’s Edge zone. Including a PDF draft of the game manual.
Tonight I’m playing the first known LGBTQ game, Caper in the Castro by C.M. Ralph! It’s a point-and-click murder mystery made in HyperCard, released in 1989 via BBS. “It’s not just a game… it’s a Gayme!” https://www.twitch.tv/robotspacer #Twitch #MARCHintosh
@adafruit well, it's still #Marchintosh !
My Laserwriter 4/600 PS Adventure!
Something about playing the classics without emulation or wrappers just hits different. #MARCHintosh
The Macintosh SE/30 is generally regarded as the ultimate compact Mac, but when it comes to looks I prefer the Classic and Classic II. It’s just… chefs kiss. #MARCHintosh
What remains of the Apple stickers that came with my family’s first computer, the LC 475. #MARCHintosh
I always get excited for #MARCHintosh but the month comes and goes without really doing anything because I don’t have a dedicated space to tinker.
So I’m giving myself the project of cleaning and reclaiming the finished attic room that this stuff lives in.
It’s not much but if I have some things plugged in and ready to go any time, maybe I can sneak some time to do something with it like join #GlobalTalk.
For your enjoyment here’s is a clean set of shelves and a Classic II on top. Baby steps!
I had the iMac DV in Lime Green. The first iMacs with a slot-loading optical drive, and the only slot-loading generation to come in fruit flavors. It was the first machine I used to run Mac OS X–the public beta up through Tiger. I wish I still had it, but sadly it's long gone. #MARCHintosh https://mastodon.social/@BasicAppleGuy/114178630330305694
“Apple’s long-lost hidden recovery partition from 1994 has been found”
This is a fascinating deep-dive into a classic recovery partition that existed nearly twenty years before Apple stopped shipping physical install media. Originally seen on r/VintageApple #VintageApple #VintageMac #RetroMac #RetroComputing #MARCHintosh https://www.downtowndougbrown.com/2025/03/apples-long-lost-hidden-recovery-partition-from-1994-has-been-found/
So with all the ImageWriters connected to #GlobalTalk, has anybody worked out how to send songs instead of printouts yet? ;)
A photo taken at work back in 2010. I don’t know what became of them. #MARCHintosh