ProxMox Load Balancer
A new version is released.
If you deal with ProxMox in any form you'd be wise to see what this powerful tool can do for you. When you realize it is one of the tools you've been missing in managing your different VMS in ProxMox, rest assured you will be very glad you now know of its existence.
Without going into too much details because, I want you to read the documentation yourself, you know that when you need to move a VM from One ProxMox controlled server to another one, there are procedures you need to follow
You also know that when you need to balance the load on your different servers, by which I mean your Hardware Servers, you also know that from time to time, you literally need to move a number of VMS(!) from one server to another, in your server cluster or Server clusters, plural. You know how much time that can take.
Now go read your docs, I've inspired you
compliments of @gyptazy
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