I apparently had a lot to say on this topic!
The Gamification of Fountain Pen Collecting https://cjs-wunderkammer.ghost.io/the-gamification-of-fountain-pen-collecting/

I apparently had a lot to say on this topic!
The Gamification of Fountain Pen Collecting https://cjs-wunderkammer.ghost.io/the-gamification-of-fountain-pen-collecting/
#Marketing goes much deeper than just selling crayons, says Crayola CMO Vicky Lozano
time to get shouted at in the big annual shareholders meeting, once again #ceo #marketing #profit
Apple bewirbt AirPods 4 mit Kurzfilm „Someday“ featuring Pedro Pascal
Apple veröffentlichte heute den neuen Kurzfilm „Someday“ auf YouTube, um die AirPods 4 mit aktiver Geräuschunterdrückung zu bewerben. In der Hauptrolle: Pedro Pascal, bekannt aus er
#Music #News #AirPods4 #ANC #Apple #Geruschunterdrckung #Kopfhrer #Kurzfilm #Marketing #PedroPascal #Someday #SpikeJonze #YouTube
I wrote a thing and now it's out there and MAN does it make me proud. https://www.opensourceforu.com/2025/03/a-few-tips-for-marketing-open-source-projects-in-the-non-profit-tech-sector/ #opensource #marketing
Dumb but kudos to the marketing team |
Buffalo Wild Wings to offer multi-vision goggles in advance of March Madness
https://www.nrn.com/casual-dining/buffalo-wild-wings-to-offer-multi-vision-goggles-in-advance-of-march-madness "Vision Goggles are made with four arms and five mirrors. Three of the mirrors rotate, one bends laterally, and the fifth extends out from the wearer’s face, allowing for adjustment to watch virtually any TV in a room" #marchmadness #marketing
Get clear on the foundation of the brand. The audience, messaging and the positioning.
Building out the brand identity and communication to create an elevated online presence.
Developing a marketing strategy that influences and leads to the sales strategy.
No amount of marketing can save a mediocre song.
Get your positioning and product right, and your music will sell itself.
Some day artists will understand social media is part of your marketing strategy & reach. It’s NOT the marketplace
Pieces of a music marketing puzzle, in order
- Good music
- Engaging content
- Engagement with audience online
- Robust distribution
- Collabs
- Placements
- Algorithmic Streams
- Word of Mouth
- Targeted ads on social
- Live Shows
- Email list
- Merch
Did I miss?
Dropping our marketing & music opportunities newsletter all 2025, so make sure you in either my groups, channels, communities or make sure you signed up. #music #marketing #creative
Quanto vale la visibilità del #GrandeFratello per il tuo brand?
Scopri l'analisi economica su marketing e ROI.
Leggi qui: https://guidaaiprestiti.blogspot.com/2025/03/grande-fratello-visibilita-marketing.html
Pretty smart advertising from Bluesky Are you on there?
This marketing campaign is currently on display in Boston and is the first IRL ad that Bluesky have put out.
Nice work
Spezialisierte AI Agenten von OpenAI sollen bis zu 20.000 Dollar im Monat kosten. » eicker.TV » https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqUBzJ1dPfs #eickerTV #Wirtschaft #Digitalisierung #Marketing #Kurzvideos
Bots wanting a refollow will be blocked and reported. Especially those masquerading as editors. And no, I won’t refollow.
The Ultimate Marketing & Tech Summit is Here – DMAT Conference 2025!
Digital Marketing & Tech is evolving—Are you? Join 5th Digital Marketing, Advertising & Technology Confex 2025, the ultimate marketing conference & tech event, and explore the next big trends in AI, digital marketing, and emerging technologies. Meet experts, gain insights, and be part of the future!
Apr 15, 2025 | Orchard Rendezvous Hotel Singapore
Visit to know more: https://digitalconfex.com/digital-marketing-advertising-and-technology-confex-15-apr-2025/
Обо мне
Выдающийся интеллект. Эмоциональная стабильность. Красивое тело. Высокий доход. Отсутствие вредных привычек. Честность. Надёжность. Большой сексуальный опыт. Умение слушать. Внимание к мелочам. Чувство юмора. Всеми этими качествами я не обладаю, но как маркетолог знаю, что для поиска по ключевым словам этого описания будет достаточно.
Adobe analyzed thousands of videos and its recent data indicates that 29% of music fans are more likely to purchase a product featured alongside a song they like. Hip-hop is the most frequently featured genre in branded campaigns using licensed tracks, while enthusiasts of indie music tend to make spontaneous in-app purchases.