Dusty flushing a woodcock. #DogsOfMastodon #EnglishSpringerSpaniel
Dusty flushing a woodcock. #DogsOfMastodon #EnglishSpringerSpaniel
My favourite #melbourne tradition is how on the last day they open for the season, Pascoe Vale pool invites the local dogs to come for a swim. It might have been the happiest place in the city today. Absolutely worth getting soaked by a rainstorm for. They were such good doggos
Dog sitting Solana (a good girl ... sometimes) #dogsofmastodon
Sleep only in the most comfortable position. #greyhound #greyhounds #greyhoundsofmastodon #greyhoundrescue #dogsofmastodon #dogs #dogsofmastodon
dinner preparation with dogs supervision
#dogsofmastodon #dogs #Humor
Guts Nächtle @all
#django hat sich zur Ruhe begeben
Auf seinem #lieblingsplatz
30 cm von seinem, teuer erkauftem, #orthopadischen #hundebett
I tire him out.
He tires me out.
But I can’t deny him a nap in my lap.🩵
y'all... I love Odin so much. Seeing him happy and healthy and safe makes me so happy that I cry. I could never commit to motherhood due to my persistent health issues. The first few months of Odin's life were incredibly hard on me, which just reinforces that I'm in no position to raise a baby, but we got through it and
I love him
Very stealthily #SashaTheBoxermix stalks her prey (a carrot) and makes it look #cute as well
Zeena shows impressive air-scenting style, but sub-par technique: if she had her front paws at the same level as her hind paws, her nose would penetrate even higher into the wind!
Kepler had his first walk to the beach today and he did very well. We thought we'd tire him out walking 5 miles but he proved us wrong. w/ @podfeet #DogsofMastodon