#trenchcrusade #trenchcrusademiniatures #ironsultanate #assasin #paintcultist #miniaturepainting
Hobby Streak day 1195 but now for real:
My Proxxon Thermocut arrived and I used it with great enthusiasm and reckless abandon. Prepped some #Terrain structures for #TrenchCrusade. Got some bricks for #Mordheim in a zen exercise, too!
Also played a game of #BloodBowl Sevens against my buddy Chris, who brought splendid Ogre models. Much fun was had with dice!
#HobbyStreak days 1164-6
Monday was #WarhammerAlliance evening, played #werewolves with the students and had a flat tyre when I wanted to drive home.
Tuesday was a stressful day in school and I rekt the gear shifter on my bike when riding home. Painted a therapy #RangersOfShadowDeep ogre.
Tonight I worked on my #TrenchCrusade bunker with my trial paint scheme. No traffic issues.
Okay so the free #TrenchCrusade mini is a hideous thing of nightmares
I love it
#HobbyStreak day 1161
More #TrenchCrusade #Terrain - posed my triumphant #MurderTurks warband on my @DoctorSpork ruin, then proceeded to prime and texture it
#TerrainBuilding #TerrainMaking #TerrainWIP #WargamingTerrain #WargameTerrain #Wargaming #TrashBash #TrashToTerrain #warmongers @nerdlings
#HobbyStreak day 1152
More work on my #TrenchCrusade #Terrain.
Used barbeque skewers to create support beams for the wood. Also created walkways and/or bridges with extra long stirrer sticks I found in school. Gotta go back to school for more lol.
Thus far, barring the tools, you're looking at no more than €0,50 worth of stuff here.
Wolverine guy for scale.
#TerrainBuilding #TerrainMaking #WargamingTerrain #WargameTerrain #Wargaming #TrashBash #TrashToTerrain #warmongers @nerdlings
There's a ton to love about these rules. They give a lot of opportunities for cool stuff to happen.
The 2d6 with advantage or disadvantage works incredibly well, and is easy to quickly paint a picture of the success of a given task.
The setting is evocative and intruiging, and the models are ripe for kitbashing opportunities.
This really does fill the void that I've wanted systems like Turnip28 or The Silver Bayonet to fill! Solid game.
Turn three kicked off with the artillery witch floating up to the battlements and lobbing a hell-bomb between the snipers, knocking one off the ledge, and the other dangerously close. Wounding both severely.
They'd take pot shots at the surging Heretic troopers, but to no avail.
Their troops weren't going to stop the Heretics, and that's game.
New Antioch: 1
Heretic Legion: 3
To which she dropped an infernal bomb on their head, scattering their limp, but still alive body down the trench ways.
The one remaining Heretic Trooper left in their deployment zone had been caught in dangerous terrain for the past few turns. The barbed wire slowly doing its thing to the poor trooper.
Turn three added to the brutality. The sniper team continued to bait the heretic soldiers, dodging their attacks and focusing fire on the Anointed warrior
The first hit added yet another chink to its armour
And the second found its eye with a critical hit.
The shocktrooper charged the artillery witch, and in a twist of cruel fate, broke their ankle, plummeting to the ground face first.
On the opposing side of the board, the Chorister pushed forward with the heretic troopers. Its dark hymns caused a New Antioch shocktrooper to mistime his satchel charge throw, leaving a crater in his place.
The turn ended with the remaining Antioch shocktrooper taking an aimed shot at the nearby anointed, putting it down on the ground, and then scrambling up the trench walls to take on the Witch.
One of the Antioch snipers took the opportunity to put another hole in her armour, still nowhere near killing the beast.
Then the Artillery Witch compensated for the poor shot in the last round
And opened a hell portal right in the face of the Antioch Lieutenant, the wall of hell-sound being last thing that valiant leader heard.
The fragments of the lieutenants corpse destroyed a Yeoman, wounded another and sent the sniper flying into a wall.
#trenchcrusade #15mm #grimdark #minipainting
Turn two kicked off with.. something.
The anointed clambered the trench walls, charging towards the shocktrooper who satcheled the priest.
Took a leap, turning her charge into a dive
Great axe flailing whilst she screeched through the air
Tripped at the last second and fell flat on her face.
The New Antioch forces however had a banger.
Their two sniper priests, deployed riskily atop the trench lines took aimed shots at the heretic priest, wounding him and sending him prone
A shock trooper followed up and lobbed a satchel charge into the priests face, sending him back to hell.
The Antioch lieutenant climbed the trenches and showed her two yeomen how to shoot, landing a shot in the cracks of the heavily armoured Heretic anointed.
Turn 1 and the heretic legion had a piss poor set of rolls.
The artillery witch’s shell scattered off the board. The heretic priest attempted mind control and got a migraine. The chorister’s auto shotgun landed zero shots and their grenade launcher trooper failed miserably in her attempt to scramble up a trench wall.
Just tried out my first run at Trench Crusade with the new minis + board.
The objective: Exit via the opposing board edge. Scored via points / model.
The forces: New Antioch Sniper team vs Heretic Legion trench warriors.