heise+ | Hackintosh mit AMD Ryzen 9000 bauen: macOS 15 auf aktueller PC-Hardware
Lust auf macOS, aber keine auf Apples Hardware? Dann bauen sie sich doch einen Hackintosh. Das geht sogar mit dem neusten macOS 15 und aktuellen CPUs.

heise+ | Hackintosh mit AMD Ryzen 9000 bauen: macOS 15 auf aktueller PC-Hardware
Lust auf macOS, aber keine auf Apples Hardware? Dann bauen sie sich doch einen Hackintosh. Das geht sogar mit dem neusten macOS 15 und aktuellen CPUs.
I’m cautiously optimistic about #Apple’s rumoured OS redesign. Haters gonna hate, but the #macOS and #iOS UIs have barely changed in years, and improving usability and consistency is a worthwhile goal. #UX https://apple.news/A5pBo80W3RGm0xg2UNlSQpQ
Terminals stapeln und anpinnen: Zellij 0.42.0 bringt überarbeitete Oberfläche
Im Terminal-Multiplexer Zellij lassen sich mehrere Kommandozeilen parallel nutzen. Im Update auf 0.42.0 lassen sich Anwendungen in den Hintergrund verschieben.
Hmm, seems macOS now detects if it's running in a VM and blocks logging into Apple services. Can't download/update apps from the App Store anymore. Guess developing and testing in VMs is now a dead end.
Today on AppAddict - Fmail2 for Fastmail - After using Gmail for twenty years, I recently decided to move to a more privacy focused provider I could use with my own domain. I've finally reached the tipping point with surrendering my data to big tech in exchange for free services.
I chose Fastmail as my new provider. Fastmail... - https://appaddict.app/post/fmail2-for-fastmail - #Mac #macOS #Apple #AppAddict
I wrote up a post about how I get around silly macOS security stuff to run rsync jobs from cron by embedding shell commands inside of Automator applications...
I'm making a seasonal anime guide app, in the open for all to experience and learn from.
Made some decent progress getting the watch statuses showing up, but it's not entirely functional yet. Tomorrow let's solve the remaining bugs and ship it out. See you then!
#Jiiiii #DevStream #tvOS #visionOS #macOS #iOS #iPadOS #Anime #Swift #SwiftUI #Vapor #WebAuthn #BuildInPublic #TestFlight #PWA #WebPush
Come chill with me: https://youtube.com/live/hwgcqsasokA
I'm making a seasonal anime guide app, in the open for all to experience and learn from.
Let's add watch indicators to the just released section!
#Jiiiii #DevStream #tvOS #visionOS #macOS #iOS #iPadOS #Anime #Swift #SwiftUI #Vapor #WebAuthn #BuildInPublic #TestFlight #PWA #WebPush
Come chill with me: https://youtube.com/live/uDmLJ323JM4
Finished the history route and hooked it up so just-released episodes can be hidden if watched! Tomorrow, let's add watch status indicators too. See you then!
Tomorrow’s stream: https://youtube.com/live/uDmLJ323JM4
Playlist so far: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRxjf93xotuofCtaxtGOcWeuxVZYJyY-m
Download Jiiiii: https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6472801548?pt=14724&ct=MastodonCCStreams&mt=8
Is Apple understaffed? Hard to say from outside. Things like Apple Music or the iTunes Store are unmaintained for years. Some Apps like Mail.app are the same every year with minor changes and no bugfixes.
At least the Macrodata Refinement Team is not understaffed. I saw it on television! (It's probably even true since more people work on that show than on these apps)
#apple #appleintelligence #severance #appletv #ios #macos
I'm making a seasonal anime guide app, in the open for all to experience and learn from.
Let's finish up the watch history route so we can start using it!
#Jiiiii #DevStream #tvOS #visionOS #macOS #iOS #iPadOS #Anime #Swift #SwiftUI #Vapor #WebAuthn #BuildInPublic #TestFlight #PWA #WebPush
Come chill with me: https://youtube.com/live/BRlTwr-_UoE
So, here's my actually-planned-for-this-year #MARCHintosh project. Attached is a photo of four very dusty containers full of floppy disks. These are the actual disks from my childhood IIfx!
Most of these disks aren't original. The originals lived at Dad's workplace. He would periodically bring home software from work, make a copy of the disks, and return the originals to work. These were, I'm told, the "off-site backups", in case there was a fire at the workplace or something like that. But we also had all this software installed on the family IIfx so Dad could read any files that he brought home from work with him.
Of course, we also bought our own software for the home, and those are mixed in with these disks as well. And that stack of CD-ROMs in the top left are my MacAddict cover disks - those are already archived.
Anyway, because these are just consumer-grade diskettes, they degrade quicker than the professionally-manufactured original ones. I've already lost a few, so I want to get these archived! And of course, anything that doesn't already exist on the Garden will be uploaded there and shared on #GlobalTalk as well.
Today on AppAddict - SiteSucker for Mac - Affordable and Powerful - Today I downloaded and tested an app that's been on my radar for a while, SiteSucker for Mac by developer Rick Cranisky.. You can give this app a top level URL, specify how many layers deep you want to go and it will download an entire web site, complete with... - https://appaddict.app/post/sitesucker-for-mac-affordable-and-powerful - #Mac #macOS #Apple #AppAddict
Interested in watching a live coding session with the developer behind the homebrew app; Cork?
Come hang out as @davidbures does his thing!
Got started on making a recent history route with the little time I had, and made good progress working through the existing logic and types. Tomorrow let's finish it up and test it on the site. See you then!
Tomorrow’s stream: https://youtube.com/live/BRlTwr-_UoE
Playlist so far: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRxjf93xotuofCtaxtGOcWeuxVZYJyY-m
Download Jiiiii: https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6472801548?pt=14724&ct=MastodonCCStreams&mt=8
I'm making a seasonal anime guide app, in the open for all to experience and learn from.
Let's try again… Going to add support for watch history to the site today so I can hide watched episodes!
#Jiiiii #DevStream #tvOS #visionOS #macOS #iOS #iPadOS #Anime #Swift #SwiftUI #Vapor #WebAuthn #BuildInPublic #TestFlight #PWA #WebPush
Come chill with me: https://youtube.com/live/66F9Tcc1HGQ
I'm making a seasonal anime guide app, in the open for all to experience and learn from.
Let's start loading watch history so we can hide watched episodes!
#Jiiiii #DevStream #tvOS #visionOS #macOS #iOS #iPadOS #Anime #Swift #SwiftUI #Vapor #WebAuthn #BuildInPublic #TestFlight #PWA #WebPush
Come chill with me: https://youtube.com/live/66F9Tcc1HGQ